
Gearjunkies Studio One 6 Professional review

“...a standout DAW that offers a range of features and capabilities that make it an excellent choice for music producers and engineers.”

Marc van den Hurk, Gearjunkies, February 2023

Audio Media International Studio One 6 Professional review

“I’m most excited by the video and lyrics tracks and the new loudness options but I think the depth of the new features will provide lots of workflow upgrades in the months to come.... not just more bells but also better whistles.”

Alistair McGhee, Audio Media International, January 2023

Making a Scene Studio One 6 Professional review

“...there is much under the hood that makes Studio One 6 a sleek powerhouse of a DAW…. the future of Studio One is looking really good.”

Richard L'Hommedieu, Making a Scene, September 2022

Buenasideas Studio One 6 Professional review (German)

“Alles in allem ein gelungenes Major Update mit einigen hervorstechenden Neuerungen, und einigen guten und durchdachten Verbesserungen, die die Arbeit mit Presonus Recordingsoftware „Studio One“ in der Version 6 noch flotter und einfacher machen. (All in a”

Klaus Feurich, Buenasideas, January 2023

John Mike Studio One 6 Professional review

“Overall I think this is a really, really amazing update. I can’t wait to start utilizing some of these features on my future mixes and productions.”

John Mike, John Mike, September 2022

Home Recording Made Easy Studio One 6 review (part 1)

“This is the most significant upgrade I’ve seen in Studio One in quite some time. Especially for folks like me who focus on mixing and those type things, this is really, really, really great!”

David Vignola, Home Recording Made Easy, September 2022

Green Light Sound Studio One 6 Professional review

“I really like a lot of these [features], especially the send features, the Fader Flip, and the mixer channel overview. It really makes for some easy mixing and faster workflows…. These mixer features make it worth the upgrade for me.”

Joe, Green Light Sound, October 2022

Mad Steex Studio One 6 Professional review

“The Video Track… is really fantastic. For me this is a really huge plus.”

Fabio Galizia, Mad Steex, January 2023

MusicTech Studio One 6 Professional review

“With the latest version, Studio One 6, PreSonus has added a number of much requested updates while sneaking in some welcome surprises.”

Matthew Mann, MusicTech, February 2023

Recording mag Studio One 6 Professional review

“This new update speaks directly to me and how I work. Every new feature mentioned in this review has already worked its way into my day-to-day recording and mixing routines.”

Bill Stunt, Recording, January 2023

Mix Studio One 6 Professional review

“...everything you’d expect in a DAW and more….incredibly robust and suitable for any music genre….more comprehensive than ever.”

Mike Levine, Mix, March 2023

Projet Home Studio Studio One 6 Professional review (French)

“En l’état, que vous soyez à la recherche d’un nouveau DAW ou que vous hésitiez à upgrader depuis une version antérieure, Studio One 6 me semble être une option de qualité, moderne et fiable, aussi bien dans un contexte home studio que studio pro. (As it s”

Adrien Perinot, Projet Home Studio, January 2023

Engineering & Technology Studio One 6.1 Professional review

“This is your Studio One, any way you want it…. Studio One is really doing its best to get out of your way and just let you create…. Cumulatively, it all adds up to a pretty compelling proposition…. For us, Studio One has got this feeling right.”

Jonathan Wilson, Engineering & Technology, March 2023

Musoneo Studio One 6 Professional "New in v6" (Polish)

“Studio One to prawdopodobnie najbardziej intuicyjny w obsłudze program do tworzenia muzyki. Polecam go swoim studentom podczas warsztatów z miksowania. (Studio One is probably the most intuitive DAW platform for music creation available. I highly recommen”

Maciej Polański, Musoneo, November 2022

Tape Op Studio One 6 Professional review

“Version 6 is a significant release loaded with new “fit and finish” features and thoughtful UX improvements that make end-to-end music production extremely efficient…. a fantastic DAW that balances ease of use with an almost endless depth of advanced feat”

Dana Gumbiner, Tape Op, March 2023

Bass Magazine Studio One 6 Professional demo and review

“...definitely worth checking out if you’re a bass player who’s looking to get the bass to jump out of a mix. The stock effects by themselves are enough to get a professional-sounding mix. Using the tools provided by the Sphere membership you can really ge”

Nadav Lavie, Bass Magazine, April 2023

The Podcast Host Studio One 6 Professional review

“Are there tools and features that would be handy for podcasters? Absolutely! Is it fairly easy to pick up the basics? I think so, this having been my first exposure to the software. I was up and recording/editing within an hour of exploring the software.”

Sarah Buchynski, The Podcast Host, April 2023

Performer Studio One 6 Professional review

“There are enough updates to make your head spin…. Content creators that are using different software to do video editing should take note…. The functionality added is well worth the upgrade.”

Chris Devine, Performer, April 2023

TMR Zoo Studio One 6 Professional review

“Studio One 6 stands tall as a powerful and versatile tool for music creation…. a paradigm shift in the world of digital audio workstations, catering to both novices and seasoned professionals... a powerful ally for music creators…. a testament to PreSonus”

Bruce Owens, TMR Zoo, May 2023

SoundBytes Studio One 6 Professional review

“There are quite a few thank-god-it-finally-arrived features…. It seems that the PreSonus development team is in sync with the user community, listening to what the users have to say and adding new things accordingly…. Great job Presonus. As always, you na”

Alex Arsov, SoundBytes, June 2023

DJ Mag Studio One 6 Professional review

“I will stay in Studio One forever! I have spent all my life looking for a DAW where you can make music and forget that you are using a DAW. This for me is so important.”

Mick Wilson/Stephane Dx, DJ Mag, March 2023

New Atlas Studio One 6 Professional review

““Studio One strikes me as an absolute beast of a DAW that runs a mile deep and offers extreme flexibility, with a wealth of features and a motherlode of content to suit a massive range of needs and styles…. The more I've learned about it, the more I've co”

Loz Blain, New Atlas, September 2023

MusicRadar Studio One 6 Professional review

“Fuller, fatter and more versatile than the majority of DAWs out there, version 6 takes Studio One to the next level, and ably re-configures itself to suit your needs.”

Andy Price, MusicRadar, October 2022

Audiofanzine Studio One 6 Professional review

“Studio One demeure l’un des softs les plus abou­tis du marché en termes d’er­go­no­mie et pour cette raison, on le conseillera vive­ment à ceux qui veulent un soft tout terrain et complet. (Studio One remains one of the most successful software on the mar”

Los Teignos, Audiofanzine, September 2022

Production Expert Studio One 6 Professional review

“With more rounded video support, new sounds, tangibly improved mixer functionality, and friendlier Smart Templates for new users to name only a few, for me Studio One is a HIT. — Luke Goddard”

staff, Production Expert, September 2022

American Songwriter Studio One 6 Professional review

“Studio One 6 does a great job of putting all the software tools a songwriter could need in one place…. I’m sold on trying to make Studio One 6 my go-to DAW. It’s the only one I’ve worked with that puts it all together and allows me to tailor the software ”

Andy McDonough, American Songwriter, September 2022

Audio University Studio One 6 Professional review/demo

“One of the main focuses of this release is to create a more personalized experience… I’ve been impressed with the live performance features…. This one piece of software can support you throughout the various phases of your project.”

Kyle Mathias, Audio University, September 2022

Recording Studio Loser Studio One 6 Professional review

“This is a thought-out DAW…. If I spend a little more time here, it can do a whole lot…. I’m excited to go down the rabbit hole with editing…. I would love to record a session with this.”

, Recording Studio Loser, September 2022

GetOffset Studio One 6 Professional review

“My personal favorite DAW…. Studio One 6 is a great next step in Studio One.”

Emily Harris, GetOffset, September 2022

Delamar Studio One 6 Professional review

“Dafür sind Funktionen wie der globale Video-Track oder die Textintegration wirklich zu Ende gedacht und hervorragend umgesetzt worden. Auch die Track Presets sind ein tolles Feature. (Functions such as the global video track or the text integration have r”

Tobias Homburger, Delamar, September 2022

Create Digital Music Studio One 6 Professional review

“I love this Mixer Channel Overview, which manages to put all your inserts, sends, and channel strip settings in one place without being quickly squashed (Logic) or clunky (Cubase…. There’s also a right-click Fader Flip which lets you pop-up a particular b”

Peter Kirn, Create Digital Music, October 2022

Synth & Software Studio One 6 Professional review

“It’s still the same world-class DAW…. It has some meaningful advantages over other DAWs, particularly for songwriting and composition. Studio One 6 represents a considerable step forward.”

John McJunkin, Synth & Software, October 2022 Studio One 6 Professional review

“Damit wird eine der besten DAWs am Markt erneut aufgewertet. Klare Empfehlung! (This once again upgrades one of the best DAWs on the market. Clear recommendation!)”

Martin Beurskens,, October 2022

Hispasonic Studio One 6 review

“...elementos que redondean un producto ya muy completo, y en algunos casos, abren dimensiones totalmente nuevas. Studio One 6 supone, en resumen, un nuevo salto adelante para un DAW con una trayectoria admirable. (...elements that round off an already ver”

Julio Navas, Hispasonic, September 2022

Studio One 6 Revealed — First Reaction

“I’m liking what I’m seeing… I feel like it’s a release for me, my kind of user. Anything that improves workflow, visually, UI… workflow is so, so important.”

Mike Enjo, Studio One Revealed, October 2022

Beat Studio One 6 Professional review (English)

“This [Customization Editor] not only ensures a better workflow for power users, but also makes it easier for beginners to use the DAW…. The new track presets make the creative workflow even easier.”

Jan Wilking, Beat, November 2022

Beat Studio One 6 Professional review (German)

“Das [Customization Editor] sorgt nicht nur bei Power-Usern für einen besseren Workflow, sondern erleichtert auch Einsteigern die Nutzung der DAW…. Weitere Erleichterungen im kreativen Workflow bringen die neuen Track-Presets.”

Jan Wilking, Beat, November 2022

Australian Videocamera Studio One 6 Professional review

“Studio One 6.0 has become a complete DAW package with that new video track ticking the final box. And Sphere gives you full access to it all at a minimum of cost. Like I said, it’s a no-brainer.”

David Hague, Australian Videocamera, November 2022

AudioTechnology Studio One 6 Professional Review

“By my reckoning, Studio One has become a complete DAW package, with the new Video Track and Lyrics Track ticking the final boxes…. Studio One’s future looks bright, devoid of doom and gloom — and no icebergs.”

Graeme Hague, AudioTechnology, November 2022 Studio One 6 Professional review

“Presonus erneut gut abgeliefert und dabei auch viele User-Wünsche berücksichtigt.... Ein gelungener Versionssprung zu einem fairen Preis. (PreSonus once again delivered well and also took into account many user requests.... A successful version leap at a”

W. Stonewax,, October 2022

Interface Studio One 6 Professional review (Dutch)

“Een prima update voor alle Studio One-fans en veeleisende nieuwkomers. (An excellent update for all Studio One fans and demanding newcomers.)”

Stefan Robbers, Interface, December 2022

San Diego Troubadour Studio One 6 Professional review

“It seemed at first that this latest Studio One update might not have seemed as significant as past versions, but now I see its waters run deeper than they first appeared. It just keeps getting better!”

Sven-Erik Seaholm, San Diego Troubadour, December 2022

Ivan Calderon Studio One 6 Professional update review

“Catering to workflows instead of just listing styles and functionalities is going to make a world of difference…. [Track Preset] really is a game changing feature.”

Ivan Calderon, Ivan Calderon, September 2022