
Mix Eris E7 XT review

“... getting mixes to sound good on them was easy in terms of both instrumental balances and EQ, and more importantly, those mixes translated well to other listening environments.”

Steve La Cerra, Mix, January 2021

Computer Music Eris E7 XT review

“...a great entry point to that pro world which will ultimately lead you to better results for your mixes.”

Staff, Computer Music, October 2020

ProSound (Russia) Eris E7 XT review

“Eris E7 XT monitors are among the most attractive low-cost studio loudspeakers.”

Grigory Lyadov, ProSound (Russia), July 2020

Sound on Sound Eris E7 XT and E8 XT review

“They remained smooth but detailed-sounding at the top end, very clean in the mid-range and punchy at the bass end without excessive smearing at low frequencies.”

Paul White, Sound on Sound, August 2020