
Tape Op Studio 1824 review

“I seriously have no idea how PreSonus is developing hardware at this level, bundling it with a ton of valuable freebies, even throwing in an entry-level edition of a heavenly DAW, and then selling the whole caboodle for pennies on the dollar.”

Dana Gumbiner, Tape Op, March 2019

Crossfadr Studio 1824c review

“Build quality is great, the sound is awesome, and the interface is extremely flexible.”

David Larkin, Crossfadr, October 2020 Studio 1824c review

“Vergleicht man das 1824c mit seinen Mitbewerbern, dann ist das Gerät sicher ein sehr attraktives Angebot: Alles drin, alles dran und kaum Kritikpunkte: Ein gutes Produkt, Presonus! (If you compare the 1824c with its competitors, then the device is certain”

Jörg Hoffmann,, June 2022