
Bonedo MicroStation BT review

“...die wichtigste Aufgabe erfüllt sie sogar mit Bravour, da die Klangqualität beibehalten wird und die Kanalgleichheit hoch ist.”

Nick Mavridis,, May 2021 MicroStation BT review

“Wer hierfür einen kompakten Monitorcontroller inklusive Bluetooth-Schnittstelle benötigt, sollte sich die Microstation BT ruhig einmal näher anschauen. [If you need a compact monitor controller including a Bluetooth interface, you should take a closer loo”

Felix Thoma,, June 2021

All Things Gear MicroStation BT review

“ excellent option for those who want to add Bluetooth support to their wired speaker setup, whether that be a home theater environment, or a smaller-format studio.”

Christian de Looper, All Things Gear, June 2021

Delamar MicroStation BT review

“In der Performance überzeugt die PreSonus MicroStation BT zudem mit einem unverfälschtem Klang ohne hörbare Einbußen. (In terms of performance, the PreSonus MicroStation BT also impresses with its unadulterated sound without any audible losses.)”

Sven Radig, Delamar, August 2021

Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity MicroStation BT review

“The MicroStation BT was crystal clear with no audible grain or static... one of the best Bluetooth boxes I’ve ever heard at any price point.”

Indiana Lang, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, September 2021

DigitalDrummer MicroStation BT review

“The main feature of the BT, provide that capability to non-BT drum modules, is executed well - simple and easy to operate and fills a big technical void for the vast number of [digital drum] users, like me, who have “old” brains.”

Scott Holder, DigitalDrummer, October 2021

Beat MicroStation BT review (English)

“...practical equipment for the desktop studio; particularly the Bluetooth and the separate sub output [are] real added values.”

Jan Wilking, Beat, November 2021

Beat MicroStation BT review (Deutsch)

“...bietet eine praxisnahe Ausstattung für das Desktop-Studio, vor allem Bluetooth und der separate Subausgang sind ein echter Mehrwert.”

Jan Wilking, Beat, November 2021

Age of Audio MicroStation BT review (English)

“PreSonus has created a beautiful object, practically pocket-sized, that you can take anywhere. The neutrality of the sound and the construction are certainly its points in favor.”

Vincenzo Siani, Age of Audio, October 2021

Age of Audio MicroStation BT review (Italian)

“Insomma PreSonus ha realizzato un bell’oggetto, praticamente tascabile, da poter portare ovunque. La neutralità del suono e la costruzione sono di certo i suoi punti a favore.”

Vincenzo Siani, Age of Audio, October 2021

Mix MicroStation BT review

“Considering its low price and additional functionality, this little device is quite a bargain.”

Mike Levine, Mix, December 2021

MusicSoundTech MicroStation BT review (Italian)

“ distingue per innovazione il MicroStation BT di casa Presonus, una stazione di controllo per monitor audio che vanta una prerogativa unica nel suo genere...ultra compatto ed esteticamente curato.”

Luca Barbieri, MusicSoundTech, January 2022

MusicSoundTech MicroStation BT review (English)

“...stands out for its innovation, a control station for audio monitors that boasts a unique prerogative of its kind…. ultra compact and aesthetically refined.”

Luca Barbieri, MusicSoundTech, January 2022

Estrada i Studio MicroStation BT review (Polish)

“To kolejny dowód na to, że PreSonus ma znakomite wyczucie rynku, oferując produkty dopasowane do potrzeb odbiorców. (This is another proof that PreSonus has an excellent sense of the market, offering products tailored to the needs of customers.)”

Tomasz Wróblewski, Estrada i Studio, August 2021

ProSound MicroStation BT review (Russian)

“Hам очень понравилась сама идея подобного устройства, а также его эргономика. (We really liked the idea of such a device, as well as its ergonomics.)”

Maxim Lyadov, ProSound (Russia), January 2021